Friday, June 13, 2008

Reading clubs are hard in Ghana... any suggestions?

Here is an except from the librarian of Sumbrungu (Darius Asanga) monthly report:
Last year about five literature books (Things fall apart) were brought by the Vice President of FAVL to introduce the reading club but for a while it was ceased with the explanation from some of the members that they are reading different literature books altogether in various schools. For instance, while some read “Things fall apart”, others read the “Gods are not to blame” and with this some found it not beneficiary on the part in reading those books they do not offer in their schools. A move was taken to replace the literature with novels but they claimed it was unhelpful to them since much time is required for their personal studies.
The books had been donated by the local Bay Area Ahmadiyya Community. We'll try to get the reading group back on track. Can you imagine not having time to read Chinua Achebe? Ghana- a country on the move too busy to read!

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