Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Getting American schoolchildren involved to help reading in Africa

FAVL friend Lola Galla writes:

I had a pretty successful visit to St. John's School in Ottsville, Pennsylvania, this past Monday. I was invited by the prinicpal to be a guest speaker to meet with students K through 8th grades about my visit to Chalula because the school is planning on having a fundraiser for Chalula in the coming year. The students were well prepared and greeted me with maps of land forms and interesting facts about Tanzania which they displayed in the classrooms. One door even had written "KARIBU", meaning "Welcome" in Swahili. I brought some items from out trip like kangas, jewelry, coffee, etc. and shared some of my Photographs. I taught some Swahili greetings and animals names.
You can buy some of Lola's photos with proceeds going to FAVL at her store:

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