Monday, March 16, 2009

Building innovations for new libraries

Better bricks and arched roofs is a perennial dream... some Santa Clara students traveled to Ghana near the libraries around Bolgatanga. They did spend some time in Sherigu talking with people about the replacement library (remember the roof blew off the library last June).
Three senior civil engineering students experienced a Christmas break unlike any other they had ever known when they traveled to Africa to help members of Gambibgo, a rural village in Ghana, begin the process of building sustainable housing.

Betsy Leaverton, Jessica Long, and Julianne Padgett took on the task of designing durable and affordable housing as their senior design project. “Villagers currently use a combination of mud and dung and tin or thatched roofs for construction of their homes, which need to be replaced every three to five years,” said Padgett. “Our job was to find an inexpensive alternative that would withstand the heavy rainfall and flooding that causes the mud houses to disintegrate.”

Read the full article here.

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