Monday, March 30, 2009

Microbook prices just came down

A new service from HP called MagCloud is offering to print at 20 cents a page... in full color? And staple it? Woah.

For the Designers: Getting Started by MagCloud Admin

Now that you have the content for your magazine, you'll need to lay it out and create your PDF. First thing's first: you need to set up your document. MagCloud accepts PDFs that are 8.5" x 11", and trims them down to 8.25" x 10.75". The exact dimensions can be found on the MagCloud website and in the MagCloud Publisher Guide. However if you'd rather not set up your document yourself, we've done it for you in the following templates.

Important to Note: the Adobe InDesign® and QuarkXPress® files have bleeds extending beyond the page, but the other programs don't allow this. Instead, the Adobe Photoshop® templates have guides set up and the remaining templates have mirrored margins set to show the bleed area on an 8.5"x11" page. Keep in mind that anything placed within these margins will be trimmed off and not appear in the printed magazine.

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